Smart City Vienna Penzing + Alsergrund
GUGLE - Green Urban Gate Towards Leadership In Sustainable Energy
GUGLE DescriptionUnprecedented urban growth in recent decades and rapid population growth puts increased challenges to the environment and to the quality of life. Nowadays, most governments have already understood the importance of sustainability, both at a local scale and in terms of contributions to sustainable development at higher geographical scales. Latest trends encourage cities to establish an informal accountability, e.g. through CO2 emissions rankings per capita per year. Refinements and stricter regulations of this accountability are likely to be executed in the near future. Although the emissions associated to a person living in a city are usually less than to a person living in peri-urban and rural areas, it is still a fact that cities gather a large share of the population and in 2050 70 percent of the world population is expected to be urban. Rapid Urbanization leads to the cities responsibility for a large amount of CO2 emissions and makes sustainable and smart city development a crucial element to achieve the European- Austrian energy policy targets. Hence, the energy policy is focused on three pillars of sustainability (economy, social and environmental) aiming at targets such as security of supply, reduction of energy-related CO2 emissions and, additionally, creation of “green jobs” as well as promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.
The city of Vienna – Due to its building history, Vienna is constructed in a radial-concentric way. Especially the three large-scaled city expansions have left marks on the urban structure. Additionally regional and topographic characteristics form the city so that different city typologies can be identified. The variety of the city typologies is primarily characterized by the building development and the ratio of built-up area and open space. Strengths and weaknesses of urban areas regarding future energy supply systems can be seen as a combination of the quality of the building stock and the city structure (STEP 05 & its progress reports 2010[1]. Most of Viennese population are in the age between 25 and 50 years, whereas the rest of the aging pyramid varies from district to district. In the last decade yearly 10,000 to 20,000 international migrants have moved to Vienna, the majority in the age between 18 and 30. The internal migrations to other Austrian provinces are in average app. 2,000 yearly movements out, whereby the age plays a major role such as moving out families with young children and elder people / moving in of students. Overall, Vienna is a city of immigration with decreasing average ages.
Energetic/CO2 aspects[2] – In the year 2009 the gross domestic consumption of Vienna did amount to 162.5 PJ or 45.14 TWh. Looking at the different energy sources, the main part, with about 49% falls upon natural gas, followed by oil with 32%, followed by 13% RES, followed by electrical energy with 5%, followed by 1% district heating (DH) and 0.1 % coal. While coal nearly has been disappeared during the last decade, all other energy sources did register a continuous increase during this time period. Including the traffic the overall energy demand is determined in order of yearly 26.7 MWh per inhabitant resulting in app. 5.5t C02 emissions per capita and year. Regarding the final energy use the share is spread into 30% households, 11% industrial sectors (incl. agri-culture), 22% services and 37% transport.
Mid-term vision / roadmapVienna has a comprehensive, regular updated energy concept since 1978 focussed on the supply side. In addition, Vienna started to implement a Climate Protection Programme to comply with the Kyoto goals in 1999. Within this programme a number of measures are established such as the accomplished implementation of one biomass plant (23.4 MWel), three natural gas CHP plants (540MWel), the ongoing significant expansion of the district heating and the so called “Thewosan” programme for retrofitting buildings. Moreover, the town council of Vienna decided an Urban Energy Efficiency Programme (SEP) in 2006, which promotes concrete environmental benign measures till 2015. SEP intends to connect the required measures for the protection of the climate with new technologies, with attractive business conditions and with new, future-oriented jobs. The update of the climate protection programme of the city of Vienna (KLiP II) will be valid until 2020. This programme is the update of the so-called KLiP I enacted 1999 and consists of 37 sets of measures with a total of 385 individual measures in the five fields of action:
The short-term vision[3] of the recently established coalition between the green and social-democratic parties in Vienna is summarised in the following by focussing on smart city aspects visualised in the figure below.
Till 2015 it is foreseen: To create green jobs and to reduce CO2 by promoting energy efficiency measures, the integration of renewable energy and eco-innovation at city level. The objectives of the “new mobility concept” are to reduce the motor-driven individual traffic by one-third and to increase the share of public transport by 40% and of bicycles by 10%. The new mobility concept foresees also e-mobility on demand, the implementation of a comprehensive mobility card, load stations for e-vehicles and the extension of real-time traffic information (incl. alternative options). Spatial planning (STEP 2005 & follow-up actions) follows sustainability criteria such as extending and modernising annually 10 urban green parks, “datchas” including their surrounding gardens, district lighthouse gardens, greening of public places and facades. The renovation of existing buildings towards very low energy / passive house standards will be emphasised by using ecological building components and high performance technologies. About 300,000 m² sun-collectors are foreseen to be installed in accordance with the mentioned KLiP II programme. The WEEP 2012[4] intend to cover actions to guarantee the sustainable security of supply for Vienna. The relationship between thematic areas of the GUGLE Master plan and the energy political frame in Vienna is shown in figure 1. GUGLE provides the interface and acts as a sort of connector between embracing city authorities (magistrates) and the specific service needs of the citizens within two selected districts.
Model Area Penzing
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ProjektleitungUniv. Prof. Arch. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg, Arbeitsgruppe Ressourcenorientiertes Bauen, Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Department für Bautechnik und Naturgefahren, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Peter Jordan Straße 82, 1190 Wien, Tel.: +43-(0)1-47654-5260, Fax.: +43-(0)1-47654-5299, martin.treberspurg(at)
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Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds gefördert und im Rahmen des Programms „Smart Energy Demo – FIT for SET“ durchgeführt. | |
[1]STEP 05: Stadtentwickungsplan 2005 und Update 2010,
[2] Mainly derived from Energieflußdiagramm 2009 and Statistik Austria, & [3]“Gemeinsame Wege für Wien – Das rot-grüne Regierungsübereinkommen“, November 2010 |