Passivhaus stößt auf großes Interesse in Amerika
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- Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch, 01. April 2015 00:00
Günter Lang absolvierte vom 10. bis 28. März eine Nordamerika-Passivhaus-Tour. Dabei reiste er von Ottawa über Portland Maine und Burlington nach New York und von dort über Chicago und Vancouver bis hin nach Portland Oregon und Seattle. Seine Vorträge stießen auf großes Interesse und wurden von über 1.500 Zuhörern gestürmt.
Dabei präsentierte er im Speziellen eine umfassende Leistungsshow der zahlreichen großvolumigen Passivhaus-Projekte. Es zeigte sich deutlich, dass das Passivhaus in Kanada und den USA direkt vor einem Boom steht. Dies bestätigten auch mehreren Gesprächen in den Mayor Offices von New York und Vancouver zu denen Günter Lang persönlich geladen wurde, sowie Gespräche in mit den jeweils zuständigen Stadtverwaltungen in Ottawa, New York, Portland, Seattle und Burlington.
Die Passivhaus Austria bietet nun allen ihren Mitgliedern, die Interesse am Sprung über den Teich mit ihrem Passivhaus-Know-how bzw. ihren Passivhaus-Komponenten haben, um auch unter den zusätzlich günstigen Wechselkursen ihre große Chance nutzen wollen, mit sehr gezielten individuellen Kontakten und Informationen eine begleitende Unterstützung.
Lesen Sie hier ein paar Auszüge aus der amerikanischen Presse:
Scaling Passive House: Big Buildings, Small Details
If Dustin Hoffman’s young and confused character in 1967’s The Graduate had been an aspiring architect, the advice he so famously received (“One word: Plastics.”) would surely have been “Passive House.” The advanced building standard continues to capture the hearts and minds of the NYC green building community, with 200 people jostling to hear Günter Lang from Austria in a presentation jointly sponsored by Urban Green, AIANY, and New York Passive House.
Lang channeled another famously brief meme multiple times during his talk: “Just do it.” He presented slide after slide showing European Passive House examples from just about every building sector, including large housing projects, commercial offices, and schools. Both new and existing buildings have met the standard, and Lang says that in the Austrian province of Tyrol, over one quarter of next year’s housing starts will be Passive House.
Read the full articel at the Urban Green Council
Video der Präsentation in New York
Scaling Passive House: Big Buildings, Small Details - 3.19.2015 von Center for Architecture.
Passive House: Fast, Cheap and Good?
There’s an old adage in the construction industry that your project can be fast, good or cheap- but not all three. If you want something delivered fast, and of excellent quality, it’s going to be expensive. The thinking is that the other variables will result in similar compromises, although in my experience you can really only have one of these choices on a given project.
It was in this context that a packed house at the Center for Architecture was regaled last week with multiple examples of seemingly impossible projects. Organized by AIA New York, New York Passive House, and Urban Green, the speaker was Gunter Lang, of Lang Consulting in Austria, and the subject was the innovative “Passive House” building energy standard. Following its strong record in Europe and the success of the first projects here in the US, Passive House is having a kind of breakout year. A conversation that for years has been restricted to a core group of committed believers has now broken into high level policy circles, with its inclusion in de Blasio’s climate action plan, One City: Built to Last, a high water mark for what had been a relatively obscure standard.
Read the full article on building energy exchange
Sustainable construction: CSC Ottawa event attracts 160 to learn about cost-effective innovation and practices
Can developers and contractors build residential, commercial and institutional structures that combine incredible energy efficiency and work/living quality? The answer, according to several panelists and speakers at two mid-March events, is “yes”, once hurdles are overcome in the permitting/approval processes, materials supply chain and trades/contractor training.
Seven panelists outlined their successes at the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Ottawa Chapter Connections Cafe on the “Economics of Sustainability” at an Algonquin College dinner on March 11. The next day, one of the panelists, Austrian Passive House (PH) guru Gunter Lang, joined Canada’s first PH certified consultant Andrew Peel downtown for presentations about the concept as work commences on the city’s first certified PH project, Salus Clementine, a 42-unit residence for individuals with mental health challenges.
Read the full articel on Ottawa Construction News
Event: The Economics of Sustainability
Last night I attended an event put on by CSC (Construction Specifications Canada) with Mark. It was on “The Economics of Sustainability”. A hot topic, seeing as how the event sold out and many discussions continued to take place well beyond ending time. I really enjoyed what Nadine Gutz had to say. She’s from a company called Interface, which makes carpets from recycled nylon. And hearing from Economist Rob Conboy at Better, which is trying to get the ball rolling on financing sustainable building practices in the US. This is hugely important because there will be no widespread adoption unless the economics make sense.
Gunter Lang, from the Passivehaus Network in Austria also spoke. He's been building these houses for 20 years now and walked us through some European Passivhaus projects. Did you know that in Brussels, all public buildings MUST be build to Passivhaus? In Vienna, they are building Passivhaus skyscrapers? And in Heidelberg they are building a whole 7,000 unit community, including grocery stores, schools and even brothels, to Passivhaus? It's so commonplace over there. It wasn't 20 years ago. We're on the foothills of the revolution over here. 95% of the evening’s conversation ended up being about Passivhaus. Wow.
Read the full article on We build a Home
Gunter Lang complete North American Passive House Network tour in Portland and Seattle
Austrian Passive House expert Gunter Lang wound up a NAPHN-coordinated eighteen day, eight city tour of North America with presentations in Portland and Seattle. In Portland, Gunter gave three presentations of his “Wide & Tall: Passive House Districts & Skyscrapers” showing audiences entire city districts with every building designed and built to the Passive House Standard. Three organizations co-sponsored the presentations.
Arriving in Portland from Vancouver, BC with just 3 hours of sleep, Gunter gave a presentation on Wednesday to thirty architects at the AIA Portland office. AIA Portland Committee on the Environment co-sponsored the talk. That afternoon, Gunter visited the Orchards at Orenco Station project of 57 apartments in a 4-story building meeting the Passive House Standard. This was particularly rewarding to Gunter since he met with and encouraged REACH CDC staff and its project team in September, 2011 during another tour coordinated by the NAPHN.
Read the full article Passive House Northwest
Video des Vortrages in Vacouver