The PopUp dorms are highly energy efficient student dormitories. But they are much more, than just built to most energy efficient and sustainable building standard. Made of pre-fabricated sustainable timber construction, the PopUp dorms were built extremely quickly. The project shows how quickly and inexpensively Passive House buildings can be constructed. In addition, this pioneer project saves a lot of the expensive property costs. A reaction to the discussion about affordable housing over the past several years, the idea was to take advantage of currently unused property for temporary, affordable housing – temporary student dorms. When the final use of the property is nearing, the dorm can move.
Watch a time laps video of the construction...
View the PopUp dorms 1 in the international Passive House Database...
View the PopUp dorms 2 in the international Passive House Database...![]() |
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The first section for 40 students was built in Vienna's Seestadt Aspern district. The basic plan for this section called "GreenFlexStudios" – with ten residential groups surrounding a large, attractive two-storey atrium courtyard – was highly convincing and raised expectations for quality. The project shows that temporary housing and design can be well combined. Like the high-quality architecture and structural engineering, the compact concept for energy and building services also features many innovations. Each of the ten dwellings has a completely independent design, is self-sustaining and can be moved multiple times, including the interior facilities.
Read more about the PopUp dorms...
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The Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte (WBV-GPA) in cooperation with the accommodation operators OeAD-Wohnraumverwaltungs GmbH and home4students – Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung are the developers of this project.
The team “GreenFlexStudios”, including F2 Architekten ZT GmbH, Obermayr Holzkonstruktionen GmbH as well as Grünraum planen und bauen GmbH from Schwanenstadt, S&P climadesign GmbH from Ohlsdorf and LANG consulting from Vienna, impresses with competences regarding sustainable, energy-efficient building – after all, the team is made up of members of the “Passivhaus Austria”. Moreover, the latest innovation by J. Pichler Gesellschaft m.b.H. from Klagenfurt, energy-efficient and economical ventilation units for passive houses, provides coziness for interior rooms. The comfortably warm outer shell of the building was supplied by Saint-Gobain Isover.
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- FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Austria 2018 (won)
- Umweltpreis der Stadt Wien 2018 (nominated)
- Österreichischer Klimaschutzpreis 2016 (nominated)
- Oberösterrichischer Holzbaupreis 2016 (nominated)
- Green&Blue Building Award 2015 (2. Place)
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die Presse |
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Press Release about the PopUpDorms
PM - Economical Passive House for Students in Record Time_EN.pdf
Further press photos, visualisations und plans you can find here: Press area of PopUp-GreenFlexStudios.